Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thurday's Thoughts--Serious Games

Serious Games is an offshoot of the gaming industry. Many of these games have educational value. Here's a NY Times article explaining the phenomena. Saving the World, One Video Game at a Time

One series that I found compelling is Global Conflicts. According to their website, “Global Conflicts” is an award-winning educational game series used for teaching citizenship, geography, and media courses. The series allows students to explore and learn about different conflicts throughout the world and the underlying themes of democracy, human rights, globalization, terrorism, climate and poverty. The game series is easy to use for teachers and is developed with close attention to curriculum requirements and ease of use in classroom teaching." You can get access to all the games for a 30-day trial.

Check out this intro video for the
Palestine Conflict. There are others available on YouTube as well. One thing I've found is that gamers like to record themselves as they go through a game. It's interesting, getting a stream-of-consciousness account of what they are thinking as they go.

Another Resource
Blunt, R. (2009, December). Do serious games work? Results from three studies. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Great post,

    You can also check out this tool "Raptivity(" which has a lot of cool interactive games.

    There was also a webinar conducted by Raptivity and Ross Smith (Director of test, Microsoft Skype Division) on "Where do serious games make most sense".

    You can check that on below mentioned link.

    Thank You.


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