Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tech in the Classroom

I am currently co-teaching a professional development course at FTCC called Technology in the Classroom. Roseann and I have arranged the course into modules which categorize the tools. The categories are: Communication, Collaboration, Organization/Management, Content Development, Assessment. We have found that many of the Web 2.0 tools can go under several categories.

Communication Tools

* Virtual Conferencing

o Elluminate

o Chats

o Skype

* Asynchronous Communication

o E-mail

o Blackboard Discussion Boards

* Social Networking

Collaboration Tools

* Google Groups

* Blogs

* Wikis

* Second Life

Organization/Management Tools

* Course Management Systems

o Blackboard

* RSS Feeds

o iGoogle

o Bloglines


* Flickr

* Slideshare

Content Development

* Microsoft Office

o Word

o PowerPoint

v o Excel

* Google Apps

* Learning Object Repositories

* YouTube/TeacherTube

* i3D

o Assets/Learning Objects

o Simulations

* Podcasts

* WebQuests

Assessment Tools

* Respondus

* Rubrics

* Project-Based Learning

* Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)

* Blackboard Test Manager

Our approach, in some ways, is modeled on the Learning 2.0 Program designed by the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. Since its inception, over 200 libraries worldwide have launched similar programs. We have provided our teacher/learners with resources and Discovery Exercise "Assignments." Our goal is to not only introduce the technology tool but to also have instructors discuss and devise ways to incorporate/integrate the tools into their teaching methodologies.

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